Privacy Policy

Revision Date: February 23, 2024


Coopanio OÜ, located at Lõõtsa 5, 11415 Tallinn, Estonia, also known as "Opinee", prioritizes your privacy and pledges to handle your personal information ("your information") with utmost respect and confidentiality.

This Privacy Policy details our approach to the collection and use of your personal information. Should you have inquiries or concerns regarding this document, reach out to us at [email protected].

This document governs the processing of personal information from:

  • Creators: individuals who generate and share Opinee surveys.
  • Visitors: individuals browsing our site and responding Opinee surveys.

Collected Information

We gather information from Creators (Opinee account holders utilizing our services) and Visitors (individuals navigating our site).

  • Digital identification data: includes IP addresses, device & browser specifics, and location details;
  • Usage data: encompasses details on your interaction with our site, including visited pages and site entry points.
  • Account registration details: When signing up, we collect names, usernames, passwords, and email addresses.
  • Payment details: For service purchases, we require billing information, including names, addresses, and payment method specifics (processed by Stripe).
  • Survey data: We store your survey questions and responses, offering tools for data management.

Information utilization

Opinee does not trade personal information with third parties nor employs it for advertising or marketing. We have no interest in collecting non-anonymized data from anyone who isn't a registered user of Opinee.

Your information is collected with your consent or for the purposes of:

  • Service provision
  • User experience enhancement
  • Essential product updates via email
  • Troubleshooting and bug resolution
  • Legal compliance and fraud prevention

Connecting your Google Account for Google Sheets integration with Opinee involves accessing your spreadsheets to facilitate survey submission synchronization, in compliance with Google API Services User Data Policy.

Information Disclosure

Your data is shared solely with our operational partners, under GDPR compliance requirements.


Opinee utilizes the following subprocessors:

Data Retention

For Opinee creators, account data is retained unless specified by your subscription. Data management is your responsibility, including deletions. Respondents should inquire with the survey creator regarding data storage duration. All deletions are honored and deleted survey data is permanently removed from backups within 90 days.

Data Protection Rights

As outlined, survey creators are responsible for the data collected through Opinee surveys. Opinee processes this data on behalf of creators. Rights can be directly exercised with us by creators, whereas respondents should contact the survey's creator. If issues arise, contact us for assistance.

Marketing Communications

Opinee may send promotional emails to creators about news, updates, and services. Creators have the option to opt-out at any time.

Cookie Policy

Cookies are small text files used by websites to enhance functionality and efficiency. Currently, Opinee does not use cookies.

International Data Transfers

Based in the EU, all user and survey data is stored in Ireland, EU. Data processing may occur outside the EU through third-party services.

Acceptance of Terms

By utilizing Opinee, creators agree to this policy. Disagreement should preclude use. Continued use after policy updates implies acceptance.

Policy Amendments

Changes to this policy may occur, with significant modifications communicated to account holders. This policy is regularly reviewed, with the latest version dated February 23, 2024.


For privacy-related questions, contact us at:

Lõõtsa 5
11415 Tallinn
Email: [email protected]